Moondyne Festival


These are the most recent sightings sent to us by members and the public.

(5,043 Observations recorded at 10th September 2024)

If you would like to log a sighting of any flora or fauna in the Toodyay or adjacent areas please click the link provided.
Please enter your name for for us to verify your sighting,and contact details at the end of your notes, as we may need to get more details from you. You do not have to be a member.
The following information would be useful, if at all possible.
1) time of day?
2) weather conditions?
3) landscape eg: road verge, scrubland, breakaway country, high or low in a tree, etc, ?
4) what the creature was doing at the time of the sighting?
5) approximate size?
6) gender (if possible)?
7) colouration?
8) photographed?
9) any other interesting observation/s at the time of sighting?
10) for plants, the surrounding growth, number of plants and their general condition, is it a wetland?

Please try and limit the number of characters you enter to 100. A photograph will be a great advantage in identification of those hard to categorise animals or plants

Log a sighting

# Date Location Species Notes
1 12-09-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Fence skink sp. Two skinks sunning themselves together on the plastic screen, early spring morning. One was lying over the other
2 08-09-2024 Mt Anderson Street, Toodyay Parrot, Red-capped (Purpureicephalus spurius) Sunday afternoon walking up driveway disturbed two red capped parrots feeding on a yellow flowering grevillea. Another was sighted in the back garden also feeding on flowering natives. And a small blue butterfly and a flycatcher chasing an insect.
3 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) 2 Carnabys investigating nesting tube One bird went right in to investigate Around 7.30 am
4 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Pardalote, Striated (Pardalotus striatus) Heard chirruping all day very loudly Feeding in wandoo trees Photo available
5 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Cuckoo, Fan-tailed (Cacomantis flabelliformis) 7.30 am Heard most of the morning
6 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Lorikeet, Purple-crowned (Parvipsitta porphyrocephala) 2 birds high in dead tree Around 9.30am
7 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Honeyeater, Brown (Lichmera indistincta) Seen off and on through the day Feeding on cactus flowers as well as grevillea
8 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Robin, Scarlet; Robin Red-breast; (Petroica multicolor) 9.30 Male bird. Seen feeding on the lawn
9 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Martin, Tree (Petrochelidon nigricans) Several birds seen throughout the day, feeding on the wing and landing high in wandoo tree.
10 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Parrot, Red-capped (Purpureicephalus spurius) 12.30 2 birds seen high in wandoo trees
11 08-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Kite, Square-tailed (Lophoictinia isura) 2pm 2 birds seen 1 bird circling, 1 landed in wandoo tree Distant photo
12 07-09-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Goshawk, Brown (Accipiter fasciatus) 11.30am Goshawk perched in dead tree above the chicken coop.
13 04-09-2024 Parkland Drive, Julimar Yellow China Orchid (Cyanicula ixioides subsp. ixioides) First time seen this orchid here (Sept). Found two near each other. Seen on the edge of a track in a mixed forest of dryandra, jarrah, marri, wandoo and grass trees. Photo taken
14 02-09-2024 Mt Anderson Street, Toodyay Butcherbird, Pied (Cracticus nigrogularis) Two pied butcher birds using the hanging birdbath outside our verandah. One a mature with the distinct markings of black head and bib, the other an immature, lighter in colour bit speckled and greyish on the back,with rufus coloured bib. What was odd, the adult left and the immature stayed displaying very aggressive territorial behaviour over the birdbath. Repeatedly chasing off a 28 parrot that was trying to have a bath and kept returning.
15 02-09-2024 Mt Anderson Street, Toodyay Butcherbird, Pied (Cracticus nigrogularis) Continued: About 2.30pm, sunny afternoon. A lot of chirping birds about feeding on grevillea close to birdbath and other native shrubs. The immature was very curious. Spent some time closely inspecting a small bowl of stones sitting on the verandah railing. Took some photos - not particularly clear. Will email.
16 23-08-2024 Parkland drive Julimar Spider Orchid, Leaping (Caladenia macrostylis) Over 10 years since this orchid was sighted. Found in banksia (dryandra) bushland about 30cms from a firebreak track. Photo taken
17 17-08-2024 Charcoal Lane, Toodyay Lorikeet, Rainbow (Trichoglossus moluccanus) Birds flying from Stirling Terrace, across IGA car park and over the station to old tennis courts/Anzac Terrace. Too many and too high in the trees to count
18 15-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) About fifty birds flying north to south at 5.30pm
19 15-08-2024 Flat Rocks Road, Julimar Lorikeet, Rainbow (Trichoglossus moluccanus) Dept Primary Industry & Rural Development (DPIRD) Pest and Diseases Information Service (PaDIS) shot over 90 birds on a farming property at the end of Flat Rocks Road.. Hardly made a dent in the population though
20 14-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) Large flock - over fifty -of Carnaby cockatoos on the farm below. Wet day!

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