Moondyne Festival


This section is for members to log in.

Go to 'Sightings' for the most recent sightings sent to us by members and the public.
If you would like to log a new sighting of any flora or fauna in the Toodyay area, please click on the 'Continue to log a sighting' buttong below. You must enter your name for for us to verify your sighting, and contact details at the end of your notes, as we may need to get more details from you.
The following information would be useful, if at all possible.
1) time of day?
2) weather conditions?
3) landscape eg: road verge, scrubland, breakaway country, high or low in a tree, etc, ?
4) what the creature was doing at the time of the sighting?
5) approximate size?
6) gender (if possible)?
7) colouration?
8) photographed?
9) any other interesting observation/s at the time of sighting?
10) for plants, the surrounding growth, number of plants and their general condition, is it a wetland?

Please try and limit the number of characters you enter to 100. A photograph will be a great advantage in identification of those hard to categorise animals or plants

Not a member? You can still  

When logging a sighting, please add to the notes all relevant data, and if you have any photos.

We will have an App one day that will allow you to login from your phone.

If you don't have a username and password yet, please Register and we will email you your details.

If you are not a member and would like to be, please download our PDF membership Application form.

PDF download of our Membership Application form