Moondyne Festival


Relocation of Reptiles

CALL Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 (24 hour 7 day service) Do NOT try to flush a reptile out OR try to catch or kill it.
This is when a lot of bites occur. If a reptile is in a building in a particular area, block all escape routes (for example with rolled up towels at the base of each closed door) and phone 9474 9055 for assistance.
Some helpful suggestions:
♦ Install 'draught-guards' to doors leading outside the building
♦ Always wear sturdy footwear and long pants in areas where snakes are likely to be found.
♦ Clean away seed dropped from bird cages and aviaries - a snake's main diet is the house mouse and rat who feed on these droppings. Reptiles also enjoy dog and cat food so beware when leaving outside.
♦ Trim a good width of grass around buildings and swimming pools - reptiles are competent swimmers!
♦ Prevent the collection of leaves and debris in corners of verandahs, etc.
♦ Build frog-ponds well away from the house.
A recommended home library book is 'A Guide to Reptiles and Frogs of the Perth Region' by Brian Bush, et al.

Animal Emergency Care (other than snakes)

Observe When sick, injured, orphaned or displaced wildlife are rescued they will be frightened, in pain from an injury and/or in shock.


Check the dangers to yourself from: passing traffic, beaks, talons, teeth and claws. Use a towel or piece of clothing to throw over a bird or animal before attempting to pick it up.

What you can do

  1. Place the rescued wildlife in a cardboard box (or such like) with a towel in the bottom and a lid on top to create a secure, warm and dark surrounding.
  2. Place the box in a QUIET place away from TV, children and domestic pets.
  3. Contact The Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 (24 hour 7 day service) to be directed to the nearest voluntary carer.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT offer any food or water to wildlife until advice has been received from the emergency contacts.

Never offer cow's milk to any wildlife as the lactose causes gastric problems.

The risk of dehydration is very high so transportation to trained people is of the highest priority!

Phone the Wilcare Helpline as soon as possible; do not wait to see what will happen! Without expert medical help the bird, animal or reptile's condition may rapidly deteriorate and very soon it will 'be beyond help'.

Safely Interacting with Wildlife

In a partnership between the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council, Murdoch University and Lotterywest, the Healthy Wildlife = Healthy Communities project provides a host of free 'downloadable' information on safely interacting with wildlife.
The website provides information on how our interactions with wildlife can affect their health positively or negatively. It provides articles on feeding wildlife, parasitic diseases, viruses, and wildlife conservation in general. It covers species such as mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. It has resources and useful links such as videos and podcasts.

Updated 26/08/2022

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