Moondyne Festival

John Masters Bird Hide

The John Masters Bird Hide, (next to Red Banks Pool on the Avon River) opened in August 2013.

The project was funded by Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management (Wheatbelt NRM)
The Design concept was by Sharon Ponsford/Studio West Design and built by local craftsman/builder, Michael Shepherd.
The TNC was honoured to recognise the contribution John Masters has made to ornithology by naming the hide after him.

The Toodyay Friends of the River (TFOR) Bilya Walk Track passes right beside the bird hide.

The Bird Hide now features a spectacular display of Noongar artwork, Ngulla Moort (our family), explaining the multiple uses of Redbank Pool prior to European settlement.
The TNC is pleased to be able to share the bird hide with our traditional owners.


The new artwork at the bird hide being smoked by Rodney Garlett. Photo Wayne Clarke

Above: The John Masters Bird Hide almost hidden on Redbanks Pool Photo Wayne Clarke