Moondyne Festival

Lloyd Reserve Project

Lloyd Reserve is a 16ha strip of land between the Toodyay Road and the Avon River. It was once a part of Avon Location V, purchased by the Lloyd Family in the early 1800s, but subsequently cut off by the road and railway in the later part of the century. It was offered to the Toodyay Friends of the River Inc. (TFOR) by the Lloyd Family in 1999; TFOR were unable to take the vesting at the time, so it was vested with the Water and Rivers Commission (now the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation - DWER), and has since been vested with the Shire of Toodyay (SOT).

The TFOR have had a Management Agreement on the reserve since 2003, and currently have this agreement with the SOT. In 2011 TFOR completed a 'Strategic Development Plan' for the reserve.

The Toodyay Naturalists Club Inc. (TNC) has supported the TFOR to developing walk tracks along the Avon River. A Bird Hide has been constructed on Red Bank Pool, adjacent to Lloyd Reserve and the Bilya Walk Track. Named after Club Member and well-known local bird expert John Masters, the hide is a great feature at Red Banks Pool, along with a picnic table and seating. The Bilya walk track receives a good deal of people traffic.
Pictured below, a cold winter morning next to Lloyd Reserve; and walkers having just passed the John Masters Bird Hide.

walkers on track