Moondyne Festival

Current Projects

There are several projects the TNC are working on. Listed below are some of them:

Bird Hide
John Masters Bird Hide on Redbanks Pool, off Toodyay Road (entry opposite Racecourse Road). It can also be accessed from the Bilya Walk Track.
Lloyd Reserve
Lloyd Reserve is on Toodyay Road, on the Perth side of the Toodyay townsite.
Mavis Jeffreys Reserve
Mavis Jefferys Reserve is on the corner of Sandplain Road and Drummondi Drive, Toodyay.
Dawn Atwell Reserve
Dawn Atwell Reserve is in Julimar Road, west of Parkland Drive in Julimar.

Avon River Waterbird Survey (2015-2017).
The club has twice undertaken a three-year waterbird survey along the Avon River. This last survey was twenty years after an initial one (1995-1997)
Jimperding Brook Monitoring Project
This report was prepared for the Toodyay Land Conservation District Committee (LCDC), September 2002, by Lyn Bloom and Simon Judd of Edith Cowan University, and Wayne Clarke of Toodyay. The LCDC has since been dissolved and the report is provided by the Toodyay Naturalists' Club for interest.

Website Update and Observation App Development is underway of an update to our Website, and an 'Observations' App that will allow entries to be made 'in the field'. This is a project is in association with TAFE Diploma students.

Where and When We Meet The Club normally meets on the third Saturday of most months, between February and November.
The current meeting venue is the Anglican Church Hall, Stirling Terrace, Toodyay (next to the Cola Cafe). However there are a number of occasions when the Club will meet in the field. Please check our Notice Board at Drummond House or check here.

Seen something interesting or unusual?

You can log sightings through our website

For meeting details check the News Page Some meetings are held in the field.The map below will give you directions to the CWA Hall.

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Updated 2nd November 2022