Moondyne Festival


Membership of the Toodyay Naturalists’ Club Inc. (TNC) is open to any person or corporation interested in attaining or promoting the objects of the Association.

PDF download of our Membership Application form
PDF download of our Rules of Association
There are 7 classes of membership, and they are:

  1. Ordinary Member – a member who pays the Subscription Fees and does not fall into the other classes of membership;
  2. Junior Member – a member under the age of fifteen (15) years of age who pays the Subscription Fees
  3. Life Member – an ordinary Member who may elect to compound his or her annual subscription by the payment of one sum which shall be ten times the annual subscription at the time of such payment, or an amount determined by the Members at an AGM who pays the Subscription Fees;
  4. Family Member –being any parent/s and their children who pays the Subscription Fees;
  5. Body Corporate Member – any business, firm or corporate organisation that pays the Subscription Fees;
  6. Concessional Member – Seniors or those Members over the age of sixty (60) years who are in receipt of a pension, or concession card holders, and who pay the appropriate Subscription Fees; and
  7. Honorary Life Members (elected only).