Moondyne Festival


These are the most recent sightings sent to us by members and the public.

(5,043 Observations recorded at 10th September 2024)

If you would like to log a sighting of any flora or fauna in the Toodyay or adjacent areas please click the link provided.
Please enter your name for for us to verify your sighting,and contact details at the end of your notes, as we may need to get more details from you. You do not have to be a member.
The following information would be useful, if at all possible.
1) time of day?
2) weather conditions?
3) landscape eg: road verge, scrubland, breakaway country, high or low in a tree, etc, ?
4) what the creature was doing at the time of the sighting?
5) approximate size?
6) gender (if possible)?
7) colouration?
8) photographed?
9) any other interesting observation/s at the time of sighting?
10) for plants, the surrounding growth, number of plants and their general condition, is it a wetland?

Please try and limit the number of characters you enter to 100. A photograph will be a great advantage in identification of those hard to categorise animals or plants

Log a sighting

# Date Location Species Notes
21 14-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Cuckoo-shrike, Black-faced (Coracina novaehollandiae) In the trees above our house
22 13-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Fairy-wren, Splendid (Malurus splendens) Brilliantly coloured male and a single female on our back steps near the veranda, where we were having morning tea.
23 13-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Butcherbird, Pied (Cracticus nigrogularis) A pair calling each other across the farm below.
24 13-08-2024 Toodyay Townsite Lorikeet, Rainbow (Trichoglossus moluccanus) A large flock of up to 100 birds reported around Anzac Park and nearby trees by a local community member.
25 10-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Bronze-cuckoo, Shining (Chrysococcyx lucidus) Calling repeatedly. First for season.
26 07-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) Wet day, a number of birds flying past at 9am
27 07-08-2024 Toodyay District High School Lorikeet, Rainbow (Trichoglossus moluccanus) At least six sighted in school grounds
28 04-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) 2 birds flying over Calling About 8am
29 04-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Cuckoo, Fan-tailed (Cacomantis flabelliformis) Heard close by About 8am
30 04-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Pardalote, Striated (Pardalotus striatus) Heard calling About 9am
31 04-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Robin, Scarlet; Robin Red-breast; (Petroica multicolor) Male and female birds Feeding on the ground About 8.30am
32 04-08-2024 Panorama View, Moondyne Babbler, White-browed (Pomatostomus superciliosus) At least 3 birds seen Feeding on the ground and hopping in and out of bush. About 4pm
33 03-08-2024 Coondle West Road, Brookdale Wattlebird, Red (Anthochaera carunculata) 2 birds spotted flying between the trees About 10.30
34 03-08-2024 Coondle West Road, Brookdale Black Cockatoo, Red-tailed - Forest Subspecies (Calyptorhynchus banksii ssp. naso) Several birds flying and landing in the marri trees About 10.30
35 03-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Tree-creeper, Rufous (Climacteris rufus) In carport, checking for crumbs.
36 03-08-2024 Stirlingia Drive, Majestic Heights Gerygone, Western (Gerygone fusca) Drinking from bird bath
37 03-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Black Cockatoo, White-tailed (Carnaby's) 7.45am Birds heard but not seen close by.
38 03-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Spinebill, Western (Acanthorhynchus superciliosus) Male bird seen feeding on grevillea About 8.30am
39 03-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Bronzewing, Common (Phaps chalcoptera) Several birds feeding on the ground 5pm ish
40 03-08-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Thornbill, Yellow-rumped (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa) At least 6 birds Very noisy hopping around on the ground feeding About 4pm

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