Moondyne Festival


These are the most recent sightings sent to us by members and the public.

(5,043 Observations recorded at 10th September 2024)

If you would like to log a sighting of any flora or fauna in the Toodyay or adjacent areas please click the link provided.
Please enter your name for for us to verify your sighting,and contact details at the end of your notes, as we may need to get more details from you. You do not have to be a member.
The following information would be useful, if at all possible.
1) time of day?
2) weather conditions?
3) landscape eg: road verge, scrubland, breakaway country, high or low in a tree, etc, ?
4) what the creature was doing at the time of the sighting?
5) approximate size?
6) gender (if possible)?
7) colouration?
8) photographed?
9) any other interesting observation/s at the time of sighting?
10) for plants, the surrounding growth, number of plants and their general condition, is it a wetland?

Please try and limit the number of characters you enter to 100. A photograph will be a great advantage in identification of those hard to categorise animals or plants

Log a sighting

# Date Location Species Notes
4981 07-05-2018 Bindoon-Dewars Pool Road Bat, Gould's Wattle
4982 08-07-2023 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Bat sp. At least 3 bats seen Feeding on flying insects 5ish PM
4983 07-10-2002 Darwinea Road, Sanctury Park, Coondle Basket fungi By Greg & Vicki Warburton
4984 15-11-1989 Bindoon Springs Nature Reserve Banksia menziesii Spectacular flowering. By Ray Paynter.
4985 04-04-2018 Bindi Bindi Road, Culham Bandicoot, Southern brown; Quenda (Isoodon obesulus) 1 km north of Culham Church. Female, no young. Good condition. Roadkill. Collected. Reported to DBCA. Found by Vicki Warburton
4986 18-04-2018 Toodyay-Bindi Bindi Road, Culham Bandicoot, Southern brown; Quenda (Isoodon obesulus) 1km north of Culham Church. Freshly killed; average sized female. Reported to DBCaA. Vicki Warburton
4987 26-11-2021 Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary, Chidlow Bandicoot, Southern Brown (Quenda) Seen (and possibly photographed) by a number of members during a excursion
4988 31-05-2005 Wongamine Nature Reserve Bandicoot sp. By Prim Allen
4989 15-06-2005 Bindoon-Dewars Pool Road Bandicoot sp. By Don Smith
4990 01-08-2005 Bindoon-Dewars Pool Road Bandicoot sp. By Don & Eva Smith
4991 02-02-2002 Lloyd Reserve, Toodyay Road Bandicoot Fresh diggings, between Extracts and the reerve; by Terry Brooks and Ken Martin
4992 04-03-2014 Sandplain Road, Toodyay Banded Snake, Jan's (Simoselaps bertholdi) Kitchen of house opposite Wildflower Farm Photos taken by Julie and Colin Jenkinson, who reported it
4993 07-01-2024 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Babbler, White-browed (Pomatostomus superciliosus) 4.30 pm ish 4/5 birds In and around the wedding bush shrub for quite a while feeding and calling
4994 21-01-2024 Wandoo Circle East, Vernon Hills Babbler, White-browed (Pomatostomus superciliosus) Unfortunately it flew into one of our windows and was stunned for a couple of hours. I was able to put a lid with water in it right next to it as it was a hot day (not like When it was trying to come through the glass of our bedroom), I quietly moved toward it on our walkway and fortunately it was able to fly off. Andrew saw it hit the window and said it was one of many who checked on it but took off.
4995 04-08-2024 Panorama View, Moondyne Babbler, White-browed (Pomatostomus superciliosus) At least 3 birds seen Feeding on the ground and hopping in and out of bush. About 4pm
4996 05-08-2017 Wandoo Circle, Vernon Hills Babbler, White-browed In trees beside house
4997 13-04-2003 Wilkerson Road, West Toodyay Babbler, White-browed Four birds in low shrubbery By Lee Francis
4998 12-04-1991 Woodendale Farm, Woodendale Road Babbler, White-browed First sighting for 12 months. Ray Paynter
4999 16-11-1991 Julimar Road, Julimar Babbler, White-browed 5-6 sighted on verge near Crake's farm. By Marion & David Pitcher
5000 30-06-1992 Toodyay townsite Babbler, White-browed Small flock in house yard. By Doreen Morrow

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